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Studio Protocols

Studio Protocols:

  • Maximum class capacity: 9.
  • Physical Distancing: The studio has been re-organized to ensure 2 meters distance between students at the wheels and at the worktables.
  • Hand washing/sanitizer: Mandatory hand-sanitizer and hand washing upon entry to studio.
  • Masks: Masks are recommended but are not currently mandatory during classes.
  • Apron: Each student will receive an individual apron for use throughout the session.
  • Staggered arrival/departure: Students will enter and exit the studio one at a time to avoid congestion at the door and ensure physical distancing.
  • Staggered clean up: students will clean up 3 at a time (1 person at each sink) to ensure physical distancing.
  • Common surfaces: All common surfaces and shared objects (faucets, door handles, wheels) will be cleaned after each use.
  • Cleaning: The studio will be thoroughly cleaned between classes.
  • Air quality: The studio is equipped with a HEPA air filter .
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