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Maya Ersan and Jaimie Robson - Atelier Make is the creative studio of designers/makers Maya Ersan and Jaimie Robson. From porcelain tableware to intricate paper cutouts, their products bring the beauty and pleasure of fine craft into contemporary daily life. With a design aesthetic that is at once rustic and contemporary, Atelier Make’s designs appeal to a new generation of fine-craft enthusiasts. The studio prides itself on a small batch, locally handcrafted model of doing business. More

Marie - Originaire du Tibet, Marie Massin passe son enfance en Inde, son adolescence en Europe avant de s’envoler au Canada. Là, elle renoue avec la poterie qu'elle pratique depuis l'âge de 9ans. Elle joue avec les volumes, associant lignes droites aux courbes pour créer des objets agréables à utiliser et à regarder.

Originally from Tibet, Marie spent her childhood in India, her adolescence in Europe, before flying to Canada. There, she returned to pottery, which she started at 9. She plays with volume, combining straight lines with curves to create objects that are pleasant to use as well as to look at.

Gaby - Gaby works at Atelier Make as a teacher and studio/production assistant. Her personal practice is focused on the wheel, where she explores the intersections of technique and intuitive play. She has a background in communications, and cultural and sustainability studies. 

Gaby est une enseignante et une assistante chez Atelier Make. Sa pratique personnelle est centrée sur la tour, où elle combine les techniques et l’exploration intuitif. Elle a une formation dans les études communications, culturelles et durabilités.

Fernanda - Fernanda was born in São Paulo, Brazil. After completing her BFA in Cinema she moved to Canada to pursue a career in Animation. After spending years in Vancouver, she moved to Montreal where she re-discovered her love for pottery. Fernanda is known for her detailed, functional yet playful porcelain pieces. 

Kaïa - Kaïa Etezadi is an interdisciplinary designer from Montreal, currently focusing on ceramic works. Through her projectMíse,Kaïa explores the concept of gathering by creating functional vessels made to be cherished and shared. At its core, Kaïa’s ceramic practice is about creating moments of appreciation in the everyday, for herself and for those who cherish the objects she creates. 

Rebecca - Born in Vernon B.C, Rebecca Ramsey currently resides in Montreal where she is pursuing an MFA in sculpture at Concordia. Besides sculpture, she is interested in making functional work that retains a sense of movement and process. She enjoys teaching and loves the potlucks, sense of community and support that ceramic studios attract.

Julie Ann - Diplomée en Art visuel à l’université Concordia depuis 2017, Julie Ann Déry s’est spécialisée, au cours de sa formation, dans le domaine de la céramique et de la peinture. Elle travaille en tant qu’assistante de production chez Atelier Make depuis 2014.

Julie-Ann Déry received a BFA in Fine Art at Concordia University (2017) and is specialized in Ceramic and Painting. She has been working as a production assistant at Atelier Make since 2014.